Lack of Cry1Fa binding to the midgut brush border membrane in a resistant colony of Plutella xylostella moths with a mutaton in the ABCC2 locus

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Lack of Cry1Fa binding to the midgut brush border membrane in a resistant colony of Plutella xylostella moths with a mutaton in the ABCC2 locus

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Hernández Martínez, Patricia; Hernández Rodríguez, Carmen Sara; Krishnan, V.; Crickmore, N.; Escriche Soler, Baltasar; Ferré Manzanero, Juan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Previous studies reported "mode 1" Bacillus thuringiensis resistance in a colony of diamondback moths (NO-QA), and recently, this resistance has been mapped to an ABC transporter (ABCC2) locus. We report the lack of binding of Cry1Fa to insects derived from this colony and compare our data with those from other insects with ABCC2-associated resistance.
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