On the chirality of the SM and the fermion content of GUTs

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On the chirality of the SM and the fermion content of GUTs

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Fonseca, Renato M. 2015-12-14T12:20:38Z 2015-12-14T12:20:38Z 2015
dc.identifier.citation Fonseca, Renato M. 2015 On the chirality of the SM and the fermion content of GUTs Nuclear Physics B 897 757 780
dc.description.abstract The Standard Model (SM) is a chiral theory, where right- and left-handed fermion fields transform differently under the gauge group. Extra fermions, if they do exist, need to be heavy otherwise they would have already been observed. With no complex mechanisms at work, such as confining interactions or extra-dimensions, this can only be achieved if every extra right-handed fermion comes paired with a left-handed one transforming in the same way under the Standard Model gauge group, otherwise the new states would only get a mass after electroweak symmetry breaking, which would necessarily be small (similar to 100 GeV). Such a simple requirement severely constrains the fermion content of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). It is known for example that three copies of the representations (5) over bar + 10 of SU(5) or three copies of the 16 of SO(10) can reproduce the Standard Model's chirality, but how unique are these arrangements? In a systematic way, this paper looks at the possibility of having non-standard mixtures of fermion GUT representations yielding the correct Standard Model chirality. Family unification is possible with large special unitary groups for example, the 171 representation of SU(19) may decompose as 3(16) + 120 + 3(1) under SO(10).
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Nuclear Physics B, 2015, vol. 897, p. 757-780
dc.subject Física
dc.title On the chirality of the SM and the fermion content of GUTs
dc.type journal article es_ES 2015-12-14T12:20:38Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2015.06.012
dc.identifier.idgrec 108242
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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