Electron-capture branch of Tc-100 and tests of nuclear wave functions for double-beta decays

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Electron-capture branch of Tc-100 and tests of nuclear wave functions for double-beta decays

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Sjue, S. K. L.; Melconian, D.; García, Alejandro; Ahmad, I.; Algora, Alejandro; Äystö, J.; Elomaa, V.-V.; Eronen, T.; Hakala, J.; Hoedl, S.; Kankainen, A.; Kessler, T.; Moore, Iain D.; Naab, F.; Penttilä, H.; Rahaman, S.; Saastamoinen, A.; Swanson, H. E.; Weber, C.; Triambak, S.; Deryckx, K.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

We present a measurement of the electron-capture branch of 100Tc. Our value, B(EC)=(2.6±0.4)×10−5, implies that the 100Mo neutrino absorption cross section to the ground state of 100Tc is roughly one third larger than previously thought. Compared to previous measurements, our value of B(EC) prevents a smaller disagreement with QRPA calculations relevant to double-β decay matrix elements.
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