Spectroscopy of neutron-rich (168,170)Dy: Yrast band evolution close to the N(p)N(n) valence maximum

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Spectroscopy of neutron-rich (168,170)Dy: Yrast band evolution close to the N(p)N(n) valence maximum

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Söderström, P.A.; Algora, Alejandro; De Angelis, G.; Aydin, S.; Bazzacco, D.; Corradi, L.; Farnea, E.; Fioretto, E.; Gadea Raga, Andrés; Gelletly, W.; Gottardo, A.; Grodner, E.; Mengoni, D.; Valiente Dobón, J. J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

The yrast sequence of the neutron-rich dysprosium isotope Dy-168 has been studied using multinucleon transfer reactions following collisions between a 460-MeV Se-82 beam and an Er-170 target. The reaction products were identified using the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer and the gamma rays detected using the CLARA HPGe-detector array. The 2(+) and 4(+) members of the previously measured ground-state rotational band of Dy-168 have been confirmed and the yrast band extended up to 10(+). A tentative candidate for the 4(+) -> 2(+) transition in Dy-170 was also identified. The data on these nuclei and on the lighter even-even dysprosium isotopes are interpreted in terms of total Routhian surface calculations and the evolution of collectivity in the vicinity of the proton-neutron valence product maximum is discussed.
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