Measurements of the T2K neutrino beam properties using the INGRID on-axis near detector

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Measurements of the T2K neutrino beam properties using the INGRID on-axis near detector

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T2K Collaboration; Abe, K.; Cervera Villanueva, Anselmo; Escudero Sánchez, Lorena; Gómez Cadenas, Juan José; Hansen, C.; Monfregola, Laura; Sorel, Michel; Stamoulis, Panagiotis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Precise measurement of neutrino beam direction and intensity was achieved based on a new concept with modularized neutrino detectors. INGRID (Interactive Neutrino GRID) is an on-axis near detector for the T2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. INGRID consists of 16 identical modules arranged in horizontal and vertical arrays around the beam center. The module has a sandwich structure of iron target plates and scintillator trackers. INGRID directly monitors the muon neutrino beam profile center and intensity using the number of observed neutrino events in each module. The neutrino beam direction is measured with accuracy better than 0.4 mrad from the measured profile center. The normalized event rate is measured with 4% precision. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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