Una strategia bi-direzionale per gestire una società pluralista
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Bartolino, Margherita
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015
The multicultural identity of modern societies poses a series of challenges, which need being faced. One of these challenges is that of organizing a pluralist society in all its practical aspects as well as possible. The main aim of this paper is that of putting forward a political and social strategy to better integrate foreigners in a society whose values and traditions they do not know. The first assumption is that the integration of the immigrant population could depend as much on their will to take part in the society as on the receiving society’s ability to host them within its territory. By collaborating in order to achieve this objective and by building together a “bi-directional” strategy, the integration process could turn out to be more balanced and fruitful for both parties at play. |
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