Background: Direct pulp capping involves the application of a dental material to seal communications between the
exposed pulp and the oral cavity (mechanical and carious pulp exposures) in an attempt to act as a barrier, protect
the dental pulp complex and preserve its vitality. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare, by the agar
disc diffusion test, the antimicrobial activity of six different pulp-capping materials: Dycal (Dentsply), Calcicur
(Voco), Calcimol LC (Voco), TheraCal LC (Bisco), MTA Angelus (Angelus), Biodentine (Septodont).
Material and Methods:
Streptococcus salivarius
Streptococcus sanguis
Streptococcus mutans
strains were
selected to evaluate the antimicrobial activity by the agar disc diffusion test of different pulp capping materials.
Paper disks were impregnated whit each pulp capping materials and placed onto culture agar-plates pre-adsorbed
with bacterial cells and further incubated for 24 h at 37°C. The growth inhibition zones around each pulp capping
materials were recorded and compared for each bacterial strain.
Results: For the investigation of the antibacterial properties the ANOVA showed the presence of significant differences among the various materials. Tukey test showed that MTA-based materials induced lower growth inhibition
Conclusions: MTA-based products show a discrete antibacterial activity varying from calcium hydroxide-based
materials which present an higher antibacterial activity.