Nosology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of bipolar disorder: Recent approaches

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Nosology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of bipolar disorder: Recent approaches

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García Blanco, Ana Cristina; Sierra, Pilar; Livianos Aldana, Lorenzo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Bipolar disorder is a highly prevalent, chronic and deteriorating mental illness that requires medical, psychological and social care for life. Realizing that bipolar disorder is more common than initially thought, the associated disability and the heterogeneity in their clinical presentation, has strengthened the research on this topic. Recent advances in the field of nosology, epidemiology and pathogenesis have begun to unravel some of the complexity of this disorder and have had a marked influence on the changes in the way they are beginning to diagnose a broad spectrum of bipolar disorders according to the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5).
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