El Tomé de Burguillos de Lope de Vega, un peculiar lector de Petrarca

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El Tomé de Burguillos de Lope de Vega, un peculiar lector de Petrarca

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Pérez Andrés, Juan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014


Las rimas humanas y divinas del licenciado Tomé de Burguillos, the last book of poems published by Lope de Vega, deserve a special attention within Lope de Vega's literary production, as well as within the outlook of the main collections of poems of the Baroque period, especially because of its modernity, its importance to know this last stage of Lope de Vega's career and the variety of themes that it contains. Without doubt, among all, it should be pointed out those compositions in which, from a burlesque point of view, Lope de Vega, through his heteronym Tomé de Burguillos, go back to themes and topoi inherited from Petrarch to write a book that can be considered, in a certain sense, the last canzoniere of the Petrarchan tradition.
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