Arturo Farinelli y los orígenes del hispanismo italiano

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Arturo Farinelli y los orígenes del hispanismo italiano

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Gargano, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014


The Hispanic works written by Arturo Farinelli cover five main fields of investigation: the literary relations between Spain and Germany, the relations between Spain and Italy, the study of La Vida es sueño and Don Juan, and the stories of travels along Spain. Focusing in his Hispanic studies, the article shows that Farinelli's interest in Spanish matters were born between 1892 and 1907, just during his stay in Innsbruck, where he moved to work as a teacher in the Handelsacademie. In this sense, the article deals with the genesis of one of his most acclaimed works, Italia e Spagna, published in 1929, showing, at the same time, the ambiguous relation established with other famous Italian writers devoted to the Hispanis studies, such as, for example, Benedetto Croce.
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