Retallades en l'estat del benestar i burnout

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Retallades en l'estat del benestar i burnout

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Canet Benavent, Encarna; Martí Trotonda, Amparo; Martínez Martínez, Lucía
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

The current recession and economic crisis of capital that is taking place throughout Europe, as well as the antisocial measures that accompany it, are causing the extinction in the short and medium term of the so-called Welfare State, at a different speed in every EU Member State. We are professionals of the social sphere and we are used to work with usual and recent victims of such crisis. However, this time we are victims too as a consequence of the cutbacks, privatization processes and elimination of benefits and services that are being put into practice. As Social Workers we should consider to take action from the teaching, professional practice and scientific thought fronts in order to guarantee the respect of the basic rights and welfare of the citizenry. How can we practice our profession without being lost out when the whole system is against us?
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