Serveis i recursos socials per a dones: la resposta institucional de la Comunitat Valenciana

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Serveis i recursos socials per a dones: la resposta institucional de la Comunitat Valenciana

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Moriana Mateo, Gabriela
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

This article summarises Valencia’s current institutional response for women, above all those suffering processes of social exclusion and violence. Some of the most important regional services and resources are the General Social Services (which include economic benefits such as emergency aid or the Guaranteed Citizens’ Income), services providing information and advice such as (the Infodona Centre or a hotline of legal advice for women) and specific resources and social services (+Life program, 24 Hour Women’s Centres and protection centres ranging from emergency shelters to sheltered housing). This article will provide relevant data on these services and resources obtained through reports from the respective centres and other sources of documentation.
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