Passat, present i futur. 20 anys d'intervenció comunitària a través de l'esport base: Associació Escoles Esportives 613 Vivendes

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Passat, present i futur. 20 anys d'intervenció comunitària a través de l'esport base: Associació Escoles Esportives 613 Vivendes

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Romero Maza, César; García Muñoz, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

Community intervention in the “613 houses district” in Burjassot (Valencia) cannot be understood without the Escoles Esportives 613 Vivendes association. This association was set up in 1994 through the endeavours of social agents existing at the time in the district: 613 Housing Neighbourhood Association, the Manantial Association for Human and Cultural Promotion, and Burjassot’s basic team of municipal Social Services, as well as a group of young people who thought that one way to ensure the promotion of children in underprivileged neighbourhoods was through practising sports.
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