Construint la integració des de les polítiques públiques i la participació ciutadana: l'experiència de Gandia en el periode 2005-2011

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Construint la integració des de les polítiques públiques i la participació ciutadana: l'experiència de Gandia en el periode 2005-2011

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Mora Castro, Albert
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

The establishment of immigrants in the area and the cultural diversity that they have brought to our society have made the integration challenge one of our main public goals. In the Valencian region, some towns have been radically changed as a result of this situation. This is the case of Gandia, a town with a 24% foreign population in which several policies for promoting integration and interculturalism have been undertaken. Immigrant organisations have played an important role in the configuration of this town as a pole of diversity. Policies and citizens’ participation are thus two key elements in the process of integration and coexistence in the city. This paper analyzes the role that local government and immigrants’ organizations have played in this process, based on data obtained from comprehensive qualitative research.
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