Melatonin enhances vertical bone augmentation in rat calvaria secluded spaces

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Melatonin enhances vertical bone augmentation in rat calvaria secluded spaces

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Shino, Hiromichi; Hasuike, Akira; Arai, Yoshinori; Honda, Masaki; Isokawa, Keitaro; Sato, Shuichi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

Background: Melatonin has many roles, including bone remodeling and osseointegration of dental implants. The topical application of melatonin facilitated bone regeneration in bone defects. We evaluated the effects of topical application of melatonin on vertical bone augmentation in rat calvaria secluded spaces. Material and Methods: In total, 12 male Fischer rats were used and two plastic caps were fixed in the calvarium. One plastic cap was filled with melatonin powder and the other was left empty. Results: Newly generated bone at bone defects and within the plastic caps was evaluated using micro-CT and histological sections. New bone regeneration within the plastic cap was increased significantly in the melatonin versus the control group. Conclusions: Melatonin promoted vertical bone regeneration in rat calvaria in the secluded space within the plastic cap.
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