Background: This study explored the attitude of registered dentists in Biscay towards prescribing antibiotics and/
or antiseptics to prevent potential infections after surgical extraction of completely bone-impacted third molars in
otherwise healthy individuals, with no history of infection.
Material and Methods: We sent letters to 931 registered dentists in Biscay, with an explanation of the study objectives,
description of a case of lower third molar impaction, including a panoramic radiograph, and a questionnaire.
The questionnaire asked whether they would prescribe antibiotics and/or antiseptics, in the hypothetical case of
lower third molar extraction surgery presented, and if so, when, what type, at what dose and how long for.
Results: The questionnaire was completed by 261 dentists (28%), with a mean age of 44.3 years old (SD 11.05)
and mean of 18.7 years working as a dentist (SD 9). A total of 216 dentists (82.7%) considered it necessary to
prescribe antibiotics. Of these, 126 (58.3%) would prescribe amoxicillin and 74 (34.5%) amoxicillin/clavulanic
acid, while 129 dentists (59%) would prescribe antibiotics both before and after surgery and 10 (4.6%) only after
surgery. The most common doses were amoxicillin 500 mg or 750 mg every 8 hours, and amoxicillin/clavulanic
acid 875/125 mg every 8 hours, in both cases for a mean of 7 days. Further, 74 dentists (28%) said they would use
immediate post-extraction socket irrigation with chlorhexidine, while 211 (81%) would prescribe antiseptics in the
postoperative period, of whom 97% recommended chlorhexidine. We did not find significant differences in the use of antibiotics or antiseptics by dentist age (ANOVA p=0.22 and p=0.53, respectively), or professional experience
(ANOVA p=0.45 and p=0.62).
Conclusions: In our sample, the prophylactic prescription of antibiotics and/or chlorhexidine is widespread in clinical
practice, in most cases amoxicillin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid for a week, starting the treatment before