Spanish teachers' views of the goals of science education in secondary education

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Spanish teachers' views of the goals of science education in secondary education

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Furió Más, Carlos; Vilches Peña, Amparo; Guisasola Aranzábal, Jenaro; Romo, V.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2002

The purpose of this work is to find out teachers' opinions regarding the goals and objectives of the teaching of science, within the frame of educational reform. We attempt to disclose to what extent educational thinking gives priority to the training of the students in scientific concepts, laws and theories needed in further courses (propedeutic training) and how this thinking pays less attention to the so-called scientific literacy which is meant to be the main object of the teaching of science according to the designers of the curriculum. To achieve this, we carried out a multiple and convergent experimental design with a number of samples of teachers. We found a confirmation that in secondary education, the curricular emphasis of teachers focuses on the propedeutic training of students.
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