On the description of nonunitary neutrino mixing

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On the description of nonunitary neutrino mixing

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Escrihuela Ferrándiz, Francisco Javier; Vanegas Forero, David; Miranda, O.G.; Tórtola Baixauli, María Amparo; Furtado Valle, José Wagner
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

Neutrino oscillations are well established and the relevant parameters determined with good precision, except for the CP phase, in terms of a unitary lepton mixing matrix. Seesaw extensions of the Standard Model predict unitarity deviations due to the admixture of heavy isosinglet neutrinos. We provide a complete description of the unitarity and universality deviations in the light-neutrino sector. Neutrino oscillation experiments involving electron or muon neutrinos and antineutrinos are fully described in terms of just three new real parameters and a new CP phase, in addition to the ones describing oscillations with unitary mixing. Using this formalism we describe the implications of nonunitarity for neutrino oscillations and summarize the model-independent constraints on heavy-neutrino couplings that arise from current experiments.
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