Are the B decay anomalies related to neutrino oscillations?

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Are the B decay anomalies related to neutrino oscillations?

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Boucenna, Mohamed Sofiane; Furtado Valle, José Wagner; Vicente Montesinos, Avelino
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

Neutrino oscillations are solidly established, with a hint of CP violation just emerging. Similarly, there are hints of lepton universality violation in b→sb→s transitions at the level of 2.6σ. By assuming that the unitary transformation between weak and mass charged leptons equals the leptonic mixing matrix measured in neutrino oscillation experiments, we predict several lepton flavor violating (LFV) B meson decays. We are led to the tantalizing possibility that some LFV branching ratios for B decays correlate with the leptonic CP phase δ characterizing neutrino oscillations. Moreover, we also consider implications for ℓi→ℓjℓkℓkℓi→ℓjℓkℓk decays.
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