Implications of parity violation in atoms for gauge theories

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Implications of parity violation in atoms for gauge theories

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Bernabeu Alberola, José; Jarlskog, Cecilia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1977

The knowledge to be gained on neutral currents from parity-violating observables in heavy atoms is studied. After isolating the relevant couplings, the major part of the analysis is done within the framework ofSU 2 ⊗U 1 unified gauge theories of weak and electromagnetic interactions. The leptonic and hadronic sectors of these models are studied separately, by means of the available information from neutrino physics, to impose restrictions on the mass of the neutral intermediate boson and on the unification angle. The observable in atoms, which provides a link between the two sectors, is found to be powerful in discriminating among models.
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