Neutrinoless double electron-capture as a tool to measure the electron neutrino mass

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Neutrinoless double electron-capture as a tool to measure the electron neutrino mass

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Bernabeu Alberola, José; Rújula, Álvaro de; Jarlskog, Cecilia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1983

A nucleus (Z, A) may capture two atomic electrons to become (Z − 2, A). For Majorana neutrinos this may occur with no neutrino emission, the process is a virtual mixing of the parent atom and the daughter atom with two electron holes. The process becomes real as the daughter atom de-excites. In some cases where the daughter nucleus is excited, the neutrinoless decay may be enhanced by its proximity to a virtual resonance. We identify the 112Sn → 112Cd transition as a good case. The no-neutrino lifetime for mν = 30 eV ranges from 1022 to 1027 years as a function of the insufficiently well determined distance to resonance. The signatures of the two- or no-neutrino modes are very different.
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