Constraints from lepton universality at the z-peak on unified theories

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Constraints from lepton universality at the z-peak on unified theories

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Bernabeu Alberola, José; Pilaftsis, Apostolos
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1995

We suggest the use of a universality-breaking observable based on lepton asymmetries as derived from the left-right asymmetry and the τ polarization at the Z peak, which can efficiently constrain the parameter space of unified theories. The new observable is complementary to the leptonic partial width differences and it depends critically on the chirality of a possible non-universal Z-boson coupling to like-flavour leptons. The LEP/SLC potential of probing universality violation is discussed in representative low-energy extensions of the Standard Model (SM) that could be derived by supersymmetric grand unified theories, such as the SM with left-handed and/or right-handed neutral isosinglets, the left-right symmetric model, and the minimal supersymmetric SM.
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