Constraints on the W-R mass and CP violation in left-right models

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Constraints on the W-R mass and CP violation in left-right models

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Barenboim Szuchman, Gabriela Alejandra; Bernabeu Alberola, José; Prades Hernández, Joaquim; Raidal, Martti
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1997

We update the constraints on the right-handed WR gauge boson mass, mixing angle ζ with the left-handed WL gauge boson, and other parameters in general left-right symmetric models with different mechanisms of CP violation. Constraints mostly independent of any assumption on the quark sector are obtained from a re-analysis of muon decay data. Estimates of the left-right hadronic matrix elements in the neutral kaon system and their uncertainties are revised using large Nc and Chiral Perturbation Theory arguments. With explicitly given assumptions on the long-distance (ΔS=1)2 contributions to the KL−KS mass difference, lower bounds on MWR are obtained. With the same assumptions, one also gets strong upper bounds from the CP-violating parameter ϵK, for most of the parameter space of left-right models where the right-handed third family does not contribute in CP-violating quantities.
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