CP asymmetries in B-0 decays in the left-right model

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CP asymmetries in B-0 decays in the left-right model

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Barenboim Szuchman, Gabriela Alejandra; Bernabeu Alberola, José; Raidal, Martti
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

We study the time dependent CP asymmetries in B0d,s decays in the left-right model with spontaneous breakdown of CP. Because of the new contributions to B0- B¯0 mixing, the CP asymmetries can be substantially modified. Moreover, there can be significant new contributions to the B-meson decay amplitudes from the magnetic penguins. Most promising for detection of the new physics in the planned B factories is that the CP asymmetries in the decays B→J/ψKS and B→φKS which are supposed to be equal in the standard model can differ significantly in this class of models independently of the results in the measurements of B→Xsγ.
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