An effective field theory approach to the electroweak corrections at LEP energies

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An effective field theory approach to the electroweak corrections at LEP energies

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Akhundov, Arif A.; Bernabeu Alberola, José; Gómez Dumm, Daniel; Santamaria, Arcadi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1999

In the framework of the effective field theory (EFT) we discuss the electroweak (EW) corrections at LEP energies. We obtain the effective Lagrangian in the large m_t limit, and reproduce analytically the dominant EW corrections to the LEP2 processes e+ e- --> gamma Z and e+ e- --> Z Z. To include effects of finite top-quark and Higgs masses, we use the effective Lagrangian at tree level and fit LEP1/SLD observables with four arbitrary parameters, plus alpha_s(m_Z). The EFT approach works remarkably well. Using the effective couplings determined from the fit, and tree-level EFT formulae, we predict the cross sections for e+ e- --> Z Z, gamma Z at a level better than 1%.
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