Polarizability contributions to neutron-lepton amplitude at threshold

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Polarizability contributions to neutron-lepton amplitude at threshold

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Bernabeu Alberola, José; Jarlskog, Cecilia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1973

Motivated by recent interest in the neutron-electron scattering amplitude at threshold, a detailed investigation of the two-photon exchange contribution, commonly known as the polarizability correction, to this amplitude is made, for general lepton mass. The contributions is related to the amplitude describing forward virtual Compton scattering on neutrons. To calculate it, we write dispersion relations for the Compton amplitudes and make use of the present knowledge of the neutron structure functions as well as the scaling hypothesis. The correction is much larger for muons than for electrons. Further, we discuss the region of validity of the extreme relativistic and the classical approximations treated in the literature by giving the relevant parameter which leads naturally from one case to the other.
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