Correlated neutral beta meson decays into CP eigenstates

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Correlated neutral beta meson decays into CP eigenstates

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Álvarez, Ezequiel; Bernabeu Alberola, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

In the two correlated B meson decay experiment we propose to measure intensities relating CP eigenstate (J/ψKS,L) decays on both sides, which will be measurable in future upgrades of KEK and PEP. As a CP-forbidden transition, we obtain I(J/ψKS,J/ψKS,Δt)∼sin2(2β). We calculate in a model independent way all the possible intensities relating final CP and flavour eigenstate decays. Under CPT-invariance, the asymmetries for processes related by CPΔt vanish for ΔΓ=0 and measure ΔΓ linearly. We notice the impossibility to isolate the sign of $\cos (2\bet a)$ without an independent knowledge of the sign of ΔΓ. This exhaustion of the possible Golden Plate and flavour decays provides new observables which may throw light in our present understanding of CKM physics.
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