A Study into the Integration of ICT into a Business Management Course: Challenges and Achievements

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A Study into the Integration of ICT into a Business Management Course: Challenges and Achievements

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Ferreras Méndez, José Luis; Fernández Mesa, Ana Isabel; Alegre Vidal, Joaquín; Sevilla Pavón, Ana
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Nowadays, the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) play an increasingly important role in education. Indeed, ICT are considered as very useful pedagogic tools, and multimedia resources are constantly being created, updated and shared by university members worldwide. This paper deals with a case of study exploring the way in which the integration of ICT impacts learning in the context of a business management course at the Universitat de València (UV), in Spain. The results of the study point out the need for academic staff and students to acquire the appropriate knowledge and to develop the skills required for an efficient and effective use of ICT in higher education. Keywords: ICT; business management; innovation; competences; higher education
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