Measurement of the Z0 branching fraction to B quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product

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Measurement of the Z0 branching fraction to B quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product

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DELPHI Collaboration; Allen, Paul; Llosá Reig, Rafael; Benlloch Baviera, José María; Castillo Giménez, María Victoria; Fez Laso, M. D. M. de; Ferrer Soria, Antonio; Fuster Verdú, Juan A.; García García, Carmen; Gómez Cadenas, Juan José; Hernández Rey, Juan José; Higón Rodríguez, Emilio; Lozano Bahilo, José Julio; Lacasta Llácer, Carlos; Martí García, Salvador; Salt Cairols, José; Sánchez Rojo, María Ester; Valls Ferrer, Juan Antonio; Zúñiga Román, Juan
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1992

From a sample of about 120 000 hadronic Z 0 decays, using a technique based on a separation of the different event categories in the boosted sphericity product, the fraction of b b decays has been measured to be 0.219 ± 0.014 (stat)± 0.019 (syst). Using the DELPHI determination of the hadronic Z 0 width, this corresponds to a partial width τ b b = 378 ± 42 MeV (in good agreement with the standard model prediction of ∼-380 MeV). Combining this measurement with the determinations based on events with high p t leptons gives an estimate for the branching ratio of b into leptons at LEP of (11.2 ± 1.2)%, consistent with previous determinations.
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