Management of tooth discoloration in non-vital endodontically treated tooth: a report of 6 year follow-up

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Management of tooth discoloration in non-vital endodontically treated tooth: a report of 6 year follow-up

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Nagaveni, N.B.; Umashankara, K.V.; Radhika, N.B.; Satisha, T.S.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Discoloration of teeth, especially the anteriors, can result in considerably cosmetic impairment in young children. It is the pediatric dentist’s responsibility to supervise those children who seek to undergo a whitening treatment to ensure the maximum cosmetic benefit within the boundaries of oral and systematic health. Among bleaching techniques, the walking bleach technique with sodium perborate and distilled water stands out because of its superior esthetic results with no side effects. This paper presents a case of tooth discoloration in non-vital tooth which was successfully bleached using walking bleach method. After 6 year follow up the prognosis was good with no reversal of tooth discoloration and absence of external cervical resorption.
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