Diagnostic and clinical procedures of a patient with oral-facial-digital type II syndrome: a case report

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Diagnostic and clinical procedures of a patient with oral-facial-digital type II syndrome: a case report

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Lage, Carla de Souza; Silva, Luis Candido Pinto da; Fonseca, Luciana; Cruz, Roberval de Almeida
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

The oral-facial-digital syndromes (OFD) are part of a great number of genetic disorders. They are classified in categories based on characteristic abnormalities, including OFD type I (Papillon-Leage and Psaume syndrome) and OFD type II (Mohr syndrome). The aim of this article is to describe a clinical case of a patient with oral- facial-digital type II syndrome or Mohr syndrome, who underwent surgery for supernumerary teeth removal under endovenous sedation. Moreover, it is intended to discuss the importance of diagnostic and clinical procedures, with proper and concise indications about the limitations of patients with special needs treatment. Due to their clinical and physiological limitations, they must be treated by qualified professionals who are capable of performing various dental treatment procedures, including surgical removal of supernumerary teeth
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