Plexiform ameloblastoma of mandible: case report

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Plexiform ameloblastoma of mandible: case report

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Varkhede, Ajinkya; Tupkari, J. V.; Mandale, M. S.; Sardar, Manisha
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

Ameloblastoma, a benign epithelial odontogenic tumor, is locally aggressive. This tumor comprises about 1% of tumors and cysts arising in the jaws. It appears most commonly in the third to fifth decades and with equal frequency between sexes. Ameloblastoma prevalently occurs in the mandibular molar and the ramus areas. Recurrence frequently appears after inadequate treatment. They are usually benign in growth pattern but frequently invade locally and occasionally metastasize. In the present study, a case of unusually large plexiform ameloblastoma was presented with its clinical, radiological, histological features and treatment modalities, and this is the addition of one more case in the literature.
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