Oral myiasis: a case report in a child with cerebral palsy

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Oral myiasis: a case report in a child with cerebral palsy

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Melo Nunes, Ana Margarida; Alves Nunes, Wellington José; Costa Ribeiro, Cecilia Claudia; Ferreira Lopes, Fernanda; Coelho Alvesa, Claudia Maria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

This case report added Myiasis is a parasitic disease that affects humans and other vertebrates. A rare condition in humans, myiasis is a worldwide phenomenon, with a higher incidence being observed in tropical and subtropical regions. Oral myiasis is rarely observed in children, is uncommon in the oral cavity, more specifically periodontal tissue. This uncommon condition is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical American and others country where low socioeconomic conditions, residence in rural areas, mental deficiency and precarious hygiene conditions. This case reports a reality of a child with cerebral palsy in a Public Hospital in São Luis, Ma, Brasil.
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