Palatal perforations secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse: presentation of five cases

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Palatal perforations secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse: presentation of five cases

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Serrano Sánchez, Pedro; Bagán Sebastián, José Vicente; Jiménez Soriano, Yolanda; Sarrión Pérez, María Gracia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

The estimated incidence of complications associated with cocaine abuse is 4.8%. Palatal perforation is a very infrequent condition within the range of complications associated with cocaine abuse. No epidemiological cha- racteristics relating to patient age or gender have been established, and the diagnosis of the disorder requires a detailed clinical history, including antecedents of cocaine abuse. The clinical and radiological studies show palatal bone erosion and perforation of the soft or hard palate. The present study describes five cases of palatal perforation secondary to inhaled cocaine abuse. As a result of the increase in cocaine use in recent years, particularly among young adults, clinicians must be alerted to the need to include this condition when establishing a differential diagnosis.
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