Successful closure of the root apex in non-vital permanent incisors with wide open apices using single calcium hydroxide (caoh) dressing: report of 2 cases

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Successful closure of the root apex in non-vital permanent incisors with wide open apices using single calcium hydroxide (caoh) dressing: report of 2 cases

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Nagaveni, N.B.; Umashankara, K.V.; Radhika, N.B.; Manjunath, S.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

Endodontic management of immature non vital permanent teeth in young pediatric patients is a great challenge to dentists. The walls of the root canals are frequently divergent and open apexes make debridement and obturation difficult. Thus closure of root apex is very essential for success of the endodontic treatment. Although different materials are used for the apexification procedure, calcium hydroxide is the material of choice for apical barrier formation and healing. There are different opinions regarding frequency of CaOH dressing change to induce complete closure of the apex. Literature suggests that dressing should be changed frequently. Therefore the aim of the present article is to report the successful closure of root apex in pulpless permanent incisors with wide open apices in two pediatric patients using single CaOH dressing.
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