Reimplantation: clinical Implications and outcome of dry storage of avulsed teeth

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Reimplantation: clinical Implications and outcome of dry storage of avulsed teeth

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Singla, Anshu; Garg, Shalini; Dhindsa, Abhishek; Jindal, Sanjeev Kumar
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

Reimplantation refers to the insertion and temporary fixation of completely or partially avulsed teeth that have resulted from traumatic injury. Reimplantation of an avulsed tooth depends on certain clinical conditions like phy- siological status of periodontal ligament (PDL), the stage of root development and the length of extra oral time. Depending on the patient’s age, retention of the permanent incisor can maintain the aesthetic appearance, occlusal function and alveolar ridge height. Though the risk of progressive replacement resorption and subsequent tooth loss is high after a long dry storage, reimplantation makes a provision for an aesthetically acceptable permanent prosthesis at a later age. This article presents management of two cases with avulsed permanent incisors that were stored in dry conditions for seven hours and three days respectively
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