Session of seminaries on the bioactive compounds of natural origin in Food Technology

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Session of seminaries on the bioactive compounds of natural origin in Food Technology

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Calpe Ruano, Jorge Pallarés Barrachina, Noelia Quiles Beses, Juan Manuel 2016-07-18T12:21:01Z 2016-07-18T12:21:01Z 2016 es_ES
dc.description.abstract The 2nd International (3rd National) Congress of Students of Food Science and Technology, included among the activities of academic extension of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Valencia, is organized by the AVECTA (Valencian Association of Students of Food Science and Technology), in collaboration with different professors coordinating the Organizing and Scientific Committees. Last year, the 1st International Congress gathered more than 250 participants, and in this 2nd International edition, the congress is already a success since it will welcome more than 250 participants. The congress is organizedin invited plenary lectures, oral and poster sessions have been organized to favor meetings and interaction between participants on Food Science and Technology with the aim of integrating different disciplines and put together scientist and experts of different fields: Food Security, Food Technology, Food Chemistry and Food Analysis including several sessions on advances in applied research throughout the food chain, industrial and networking actions. We hope that this congress will provide a vital forum Spanish and international colleagues to appreciate the current state of the art in Food Technology research and will be a unique opportunity for discussion of solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Finally, we would like to address our grateful thanks to our students of the Valencian Association of Students of Food Science and Technology, that greatly helped us to organize this congress: without their enthusiastic participation, we could not host the Second International Edition. On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees we would like to wish you an interesting and enjoyable Conference in one of the most attractive Spanish corners, with fruitful discussion and exchange of professional points of view from experts coming from different countries around the world. en_US
dc.description.abstract The 2nd International (3rd National) Congress of Students of Food Science and Technology, included among the activities of academic extension of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Valencia, is organized by the AVECTA (Valencian Association of Students of Food Science and Technology), in collaboration with different professors coordinating the Organizing and Scientific Committees. Last year, the 1st International Congress gathered more than 250 participants, and in this 2nd International edition, the congress is already a success since it will welcome more than 250 participants. The congress is organizedin invited plenary lectures, oral and poster sessions have been organized to favor meetings and interaction between participants on Food Science and Technology with the aim of integrating different disciplines and put together scientist and experts of different fields: Food Security, Food Technology, Food Chemistry and Food Analysis including several sessions on advances in applied research throughout the food chain, industrial and networking actions. We hope that this congress will provide a vital forum Spanish and international colleagues to appreciate the current state of the art in Food Technology research and will be a unique opportunity for discussion of solutions to today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Finally, we would like to address our grateful thanks to our students of the Valencian Association of Students of Food Science and Technology, that greatly helped us to organize this congress: without their enthusiastic participation, we could not host the Second International Edition. On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees we would like to wish you an interesting and enjoyable Conference in one of the most attractive Spanish corners, with fruitful discussion and exchange of professional points of view from experts coming from different countries around the world. es_ES
dc.language.iso en_US es_ES
dc.subject Food chemistry es_ES
dc.subject Food Technology es_ES
dc.subject Food analysis es_ES
dc.subject Food Microbiology es_ES
dc.title Session of seminaries on the bioactive compounds of natural origin in Food Technology es_ES
dc.interactivitytype active es_ES
dc.learningresourcetype exercise es_ES
dc.interactivitylevel medium es_ES
dc.identifier.url es_ES

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