Background: To analyze the face vascularization pattern using B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography, and also
propose an arterial vessel mapping.
Material and Methods: The investigation was performed on 20 ultrasonography exams of facial vessels through
linear and endocavitary transducers. We analyzed and determined the average values for diameters, peak systolic
velocity and resistive index of the following arteries: external carotid, lingual, deep lingual, sublingual, facial,
submental, inferior labial, superior labial, angular, maxillary inferior alveolar, mental, buccal, greater palatine,
infraorbital, superficial temporal, transverse facial and frontal.
Results: Data was obtained allowing the analysis of the tissue hemodynamics. We were able to map the vascularization
of the face and it was possible to access three arteries of small diameter (0,60mm angular artery; 0,55mm
greater palatine artery; 0,45mm infraorbital artery).
Conclusions: The results presented in this article are valid tool supporting the non-invasive mapping of facial