Background: Different methods have been used in order to isolate dental pulp stem cells. The aim of this study
was to study the effect of different types of pulp treatment during isolation, under 3% O
conditions, in the time
needed and the efficacy for obtaining dental pulp stem cells.
Material and Methods: One hundred and twenty dental pulps were used to isolate dental pulp stem cells treating
the pulp tissue during isolation using 9 different methods, using digestive, disgregation, or mechanical agents,
or combining them. The cells were positive for CD133, Oct4, Nestin, Stro-1, CD34 markers, and negative for the
hematopoietic cell marker CD-45, thus confirming the presence of mesenchymal stem cells. The efficacy of dental
pulp stem cells obtention and the minimum time needed to obtain such cells comparing the 9 different methods
was analyzed.
Results: Dental pulp stem cells were obtained from 97 of the 120 pulps used in the study, i.e. 80.8% of the cases.
They were obtained with all the methods used except with mechanical fragmentation of the pulp, where no enzymatic digestion was performed. The minimum time needed to isolate dental pulp stem cells was 8 hours, digesting
with 2mg/ml EDTA for 10 minutes, 4mg/ml of type I collagenase, 4mg/ml of type II dispase for 40 minutes, 13ng/
ml of thermolysine for 40 minutes and sonicating the culture for one minute.
Conclusions: Dental pulp stem cells were obtained in 97 cases from a series of 120 pulps. The time for obtaining
dental pulp stem cells was reduced maximally, without compromising the obtention of the cells, by combining
digestive, disgregation, and mechanical agents