Site-specificity of pea histone acetyltransferase B in vitro

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Site-specificity of pea histone acetyltransferase B in vitro

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Mingarro Muñoz, Ismael; Sendra Pérez, Ramón; Salvador Alcober, María Luisa; Franco Vera, Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1993

Histone acetyltransferase B from pea embryonic axes has been purified approximately 300-fold by a combination of chromatographic procedures, including affinity chromatography on histone-agarose. The enzyme preparation has been used for the in vitro transfer of acetyl groups from [1-14C]acetyl-CoA to non-acetylated pea histone H4. Up to three acetyl groups can be introduced into the histone. The resulting mono-, di-, and triacetylated H4 isoforms were separated and sequenced to determine the acetylated sites. Only sites 5, 12, and 16 were used by histone acetyltransferase B, but no clear preference among them was observed. The absence of modification of other potentially acetylatable sites is another indication that acetylation of the different lysine residues in the N-terminal H4 tail serves as a specific signal in different nuclear processes.
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