The K K bar π decay of the f1 (1285) and its nature as a K* K bar - cc molecule

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The K K bar π decay of the f1 (1285) and its nature as a K* K bar - cc molecule

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Aceti, Francesca; Xie, J. J.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

We investigate the decay of f1 (1285) → πK K bar with the assumption that the f1 (1285) is dynamically generated from the K* K bar - cc interaction. In addition to the tree level diagrams that proceed via f1 (1285) →K* K bar - cc → πK K bar , we take into account also the final state interactions of K K bar → K K bar and πK → πK. The partial decay width and mass distributions of f1 (1285) → πK K bar are evaluated. We get a value for the partial decay width which, within errors, is in fair agreement with the experimental result. The contribution from the tree level diagrams is dominant, but the final state interactions have effects in the mass distributions. The predicted mass distributions are significantly different from phase space and tied to the K* K bar - cc nature of the f1 (1285) state.
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