Study of the f(2)(1270), f '(2)(1525), and (K)over-bar(2)*(1430), f(0)(1370) and f(0)(1710) production from psi(nS) and Upsilon(nS) decays

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Study of the f(2)(1270), f '(2)(1525), and (K)over-bar(2)*(1430), f(0)(1370) and f(0)(1710) production from psi(nS) and Upsilon(nS) decays

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Dai, L.R.; Xie, J. J.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

Based on previous studies that support the important role of the f(2)(1270), f'(2)(1525), and (K) over bar (2)*(1430) resonances in the J/psi[psi(2S)] -> phi(omega)VV decays, we make an analysis of the analogous decays of Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S), taking into account recent experimental data. In addition, we study the J/psi and psi(2S) radiative decays and we also made predictions for the radiative decay of Upsilon(1S) and Upsilon(2S) into gamma f(2)(1270), gamma f(2)'(1525), gamma f(0)(1370) and gamma f(0)(1710) comparing with the recent results of a CLEO experiment. We can compare our results for ratios of decay rates with eight experimental ratios and find agreement in all but one case, where experimental problems are discussed.
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