Testing the molecular nature of D-s0*(2317) and D-0*(2400) in semileptonic B-s and B decays

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Testing the molecular nature of D-s0*(2317) and D-0*(2400) in semileptonic B-s and B decays

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Navarra, F. S.; Nielsen, M.; Oset Báguena, Eulogio; Sekihara, T.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

We study the semileptonic B-s and B decays into the D-s0*(2317) and D-0*(2400) resonances, respectively. With the help of a chiral unitarity model in coupled channels we compute the ratio of the decay widths of both processes. Using current values of the width for the (B) over bar (0) -> D-0*(2400)(+)(v) over bar (l)l(-) we make predictions for the rate of the (B) over bar (0)(s) -> D-s0*(2317)(+)(v) over bar (l)l(-) decay and for the DK invariant mass distribution in the (B) over bar (0)(s) -> DK (v) over bar (l)l(-) decay.
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