f(1)(1285) decays into a(0)(980) pi(0), f(0)(980) pi(0) and isospin breaking

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f(1)(1285) decays into a(0)(980) pi(0), f(0)(980) pi(0) and isospin breaking

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Aceti, Francesca; Dias, Jorgivan Morais; Oset Báguena, Eulogio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

We evaluate the decay width for the processes f1(1285). p 0 a0(980) and f1(1285). p 0 f0(980) taking into account that all three resonances are dynamically generated from the meson- meson interaction, the f1(1285) from K* K ¿ c. c. and the a0(980), f0(980) from p., K K and pp, K _ K, respectively. We use a triangular mechanism similar to that of.(1405). pp., which provides a decay width for f1(1285). p 0 a0(980) with a branching fraction of the order of 30%, in agreement with experiment. At the same time we evaluate the decay width for the isospin- forbidden f1(1285). p 0 f0(980), which appears when we consider different masses for the charged and neutral kaons, and show that it is much more suppressed than in the.(1405). pp. case, but gives rise to a narrow shape of the p + p- distribution similar to the one found in the eta(1405) -> pi pi eta decay.
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