We investigate heavy quark symmetries for heavy light meson-antimeson systems in a contact-range effective field theory. In the SU(3) light flavor limit, the leading order Lagrangian respecting heavy quark spin symmetry contains four independent counter-terms. Neglecting 1/mQ corrections, three of these low energy constants can be determ1ined by theorizing a molecular description of the X(3872) and Zb(10610) states. Thus, we can predict new hadronic molecules, in particular the isovector charmonium partners of the Zb(10610) and the Zb(10650) states. We also discuss hadron molecules composed of a heavy meson and a doubly-heavy baryon, which would be related to the heavy meson-antimeson molecules thanks to the heavy antiquark-diquark symmetry. Finally, we also study the X(3872)→D0D¯0π0 decay, which is not only sensitive to the short distance part of the X(3872) molecular wave function, as the J/ψππ and J/ψ3π X(3872) decay modes are, but it is also affected by the long-distance structure of the resonance. Furthermore, this decay might provide some information on the interaction between the DD¯ charm mesons.