Probing the Type I Seesaw Mechanism with Displaced Vertices at the LHC

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Probing the Type I Seesaw Mechanism with Displaced Vertices at the LHC

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Gago, Alberto M.; Hernández Gamazo, Pilar; Jones Pérez, Joel; Losada, Marta; Moreno Briceño, Alexander
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

The observation of Higgs decays into heavy neutrinos would be strong evidence for new physics associated to neutrino masses. In this work we propose a search for such decays within the Type I seesaw model in the few-GeV mass range via displaced vertices. Using 300 fb−1 of integrated luminosity, at 13 TeV, we explore the region of parameter space where such decays are measurable. We show that, after imposing pseudorapidity cuts, there still exists a region where the number of events is larger than O(10). We also find that conventional triggers can greatly limit the sensitivity of our signal, so we display several relevant kinematical distributions which might aid in the optimization of a dedicated trigger selection.
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