Constituent-quark model description of triply heavy baryon nonperturbative lattice QCD data

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Constituent-quark model description of triply heavy baryon nonperturbative lattice QCD data

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Vijande Asenjo, Javier; Valcarce Mejía, Alfredo; Garcilazo, Humberto
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

This paper provides results for the spectra of triply charmed and bottom baryons based on a constituent-quark model approach. We take advantage of the assumption that potential models are expected to describe triply heavy baryons to a similar degree of accuracy as the successful results obtained in the charmonium and bottomonium sectors. The high precision calculation of the ground state and positive and negative parity excited states recently reported by nonperturbative lattice QCD provides us with a unique opportunity to confront model predictions with the data. This comparison may also help to build a bridge between two difficult to reconcile lattice QCD results, namely, the lattice SU(3) QCD static three-quark potential and the recent results of nonperturbative lattice QCD for the triply heavy baryon spectra.
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