FrameNet and its limitations. The case of entity-specific change-of-state verbs

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FrameNet and its limitations. The case of entity-specific change-of-state verbs

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Rosca, Andreea 2017-02-10T09:09:16Z 2017-02-10T09:09:16Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation Rosca, Andreea 2013 FrameNet and its limitations. The case of entity-specific change-of-state verbs Miscelanea. A Journal of English and American Studies 47 13 30
dc.description.abstract This article examines the proposals made by the FrameNet project (Atkins, Fillmore and Johnson 2003; Fillmore, Johnson and Petruck 2003) with regard to Levin's (1993) entity-specific change-of-state verbs. We have identified several limitations in this database: (i) only a small number of entity-specific change-of¬state verbs were listed in FrameNet (eight out of twenty-one verbs); (ii) there is a separation of the causative and inchoative uses of a verb into two different frames; (iii) in some cases no examples are provided for the Frame Elements of a particular verb (e.g. there are no examples for the verb swell in the 'expansion' and 'change of position on a scale' frames); (iv) usually FrameNet includes literal instantiations of the predicates under consideration and when figurative uses are listed no cognitive motivation is given for these metaphorical expressions; (v) often frames are incomplete owing to the use of a small size corpus (i.e. the British National Corpus), which offers a limited number of examples for a given verb. It will also be shown that metaphor and metonymy play a crucial role in regulating the subsumption processes between predicates and constructions.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Miscelanea. A Journal of English and American Studies, 2013, num. 47, p. 13-30
dc.subject Llenguatge i llengües
dc.title FrameNet and its limitations. The case of entity-specific change-of-state verbs
dc.type journal article es_ES 2017-02-10T09:09:16Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 116064
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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