Accidental displacement of a dental implant into the sublingual space: a case report

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Accidental displacement of a dental implant into the sublingual space: a case report

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Cariati, Paolo; Fernández Solís, José; Marín Fernández, A.B.; Valencia Laseca, Alfredo; Monsalve Iglesias, Fernando
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

Dental implant surgery is continuously expanding. In fact, every day more and more surgeons are choosing dental implants for allowing great results in the field of oral rehabilitation. However, these procedures are not exempt from complications. This report presents the case of a 66 years old man underwent implant surgery by a specialized dentist. No problems were reported during implant placement. Despite this, three months later, it was displaced into the sublingual space at the time of uncovering. Against this backdrop, the patient was referred to an expert maxillofacial surgeon. Next day, the implant was removed using an intraoral approach to reach the sublingual space. According with our knowledge, there are no cases reported in the literature that describe this complication.
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