Quality of life and oral health in elderly

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Quality of life and oral health in elderly

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Paredes Rodríguez, Victor Manuel es Torrijos Gómez, Gema es González Serrano, José es López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa Mª es López Bermejo, Miguel Angel es Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo es 2017-05-10T07:25:05Z 2017-05-10T07:25:05Z 2016 es
dc.identifier.citation Paredes Rodríguez, Victor Manuel ; Torrijos Gómez, Gema ; González Serrano, José ; López-Pintor Muñoz, Rosa Mª ; López Bermejo, Miguel Angel ; Hernández Vallejo, Gonzalo. Quality of life and oral health in elderly. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. 2016. Vol. 8, no. 5: 590 es
dc.description.abstract We want to assess quality of life in elderly patients in relation to the number of remaining teeth, the number of ingested drugs and xerostomía and to determine the correlation between an increased intake of drugs and a greater feeling of dry mouth and to know the most commonly used measures to control xerostomia. 30 subjects aged between 65 and 95 years (14 males, 16 females) completed the OHIP questionnaire to determine quality of life. For oral status, the number of remaining teeth according to WHO criteria and xerostomia using the xerostomia index (XI) were studied. In cases of dry mouth sensation, the measures to alleviate it were asked. The average quality of life according to the OHIP rate is 19.23 (Dt = 10.58), being 56 the worst quality of life. The Pearson correlation coefficient indicates that quality of life is not related to the number of remaining teeth (r = -0.046; p = 0.810) nor the number of ingested drugs (r = 0.226; p = 0.23) but a greater sensation of dry mouth is related to a poorer quality of life (r = 0.678; p = 0.230). There is no association between the number of ingested drugs and the xerostomia index (r = 0.144; p = 0.447). The most frequently measures used against dry mouth were drinking water (21 subjects) and sugarless candies (15 subjects). Quality of life is not related to the number of remaining teeth nor the number of ingested drugs. However, a higher level of xerostomia was significantly associated with a poorer quality of life. There is no association between the number of drugs ingested and xerostomia index. Sugarless candies and drinking water are the more frequently used measures to alleviate dry mouth. en_US
dc.subject Odontología es
dc.subject Ciencias de la salud es
dc.title Quality of life and oral health in elderly es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÃ DICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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